Understanding Sexual Assault in the U.S. Military

Read the latest research on how DoD trends and responses to sexual assault compare to civilian population.

Forging a new way to think about the "casualty debate" 

Defense officials have avoided counting US military casualties for fear of triggering a shift in public opinion. Read why metrics alone cannot give us all the answers.


Thinking Through the Impacts of the Repeal of Combat Exclusion Laws

​Are women in the field "showing the way" or "blocking the road"? Scan the results of exploratory small sample research based on military women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Past Projects 

Welcome and thanks for visiting my site! Since 2017, I have been serving as the Director of Research for the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service - which has taken my full attention.

Now that the Commission's report is published, I am refocusing on my website and will be updating it to more accurately reflect my work and services. Thanks for your patience.




Speaker. Consultant. Researcher.


Knowledge Is Power